In an unethical and non-vegan world, shopping as a vegan can be difficult at times. It’s not just the question of whether the product itself is vegan, but also the wider ethics of the company selling said product.
And that’s before we even consider the environmental impact, which is usually bottom priority for large fast fashion companies.
The good news is that shopping has just gotten a little bit easier. Now, while we’re not suggesting that we can fulfil all of your shopping needs here at The Vegan Society, we are announcing that we have some new, eco-friendly vegan merchandise available to shop now. If you’re wanting to promote veganism and contribute to its furthering at the same time, then you’ll like what our products have to offer.
Like all of our products here at The Vegan Society, our new merchandise is not-for-profit, putting its money where its mouth is. It’s not just about quippy vegan messaging, but actually supporting and contributing to furthering the vegan movement, as ethically as possible. Just like VEG 1, our vegan supplement range, all money raised from the sale of merchandise goes straight back into our charity, contributing to our campaigns and other charitable objectives. We're also keen to remain as accessible as possible, so we’ve kept our prices low.
Are you interested? Let’s take a look at what’s on offer.
First up, Vegan Tees
We’re super excited about our ‘Save the Planet’ vegan t-shirts, designed in-house by our incredible graphic designer. Made from 100% organic cotton and of course, 100% vegan, our new vegan t-shirt is a comfortable and stylish way to promote your vegan lifestyle. The design incorporates intricate illustrations of four animals who are usually the victims of environmental issues: a whale, elephant, turtle and panda. We hope you love this design as much as we do.
The t-shirt retails for £20 and is available in a size range of XS – XXL. We’re hoping to expand this size range in the future, as well as introduce more vegan t-shirt designs and clothing. If there is a particular vegan t-shirt design that you’d love to see, let us know by emailing sales[at]vegansociety[dot]com. We’re open to suggestions for t-shirts and other clothes, and may even consider funny vegan shirts!
Next up, Vegan Accessories
While you’re sporting your new Vegan Society top, you may want to add some accessories. We’ve got a lovely range to help you spread the vegan message, including tote bags and badges. We’ve considered the materials of all items to make sure they’re as sustainable as possible (the badges are 100% plastic-free and compostable!). Take a look at what’s on offer below.
Everything You Need for a Shopping Trip
Did we mention that shopping can be difficult at times? Knowing this, we’ve included some helpful shopping-related products in the new range. We have a cute shopping list for sale that has space for vegan meal planning and is decorated with cute veggie characters. Our wooden engraved keyring also has a built-in trolley token, meaning searching for a pound on the supermarket car park is a thing of the past.
Games and Gifts
Last but not least, we have some products that make for fun games and thoughtful gifts.
Our Vegan Snaps Game designed by Dan Cook is a two-in-one vegan themed game featuring a wide variety of illustrated vegan snacks. It is the ideal vegan gift for families or children. We love the cute illustrations, and thanks to the variety of vegan food included, this is a great response to people who ask, “What do vegans even eat?”
Lastly, our Fussy Eaters Food Chart is a fun way to encourage children and fussy eaters to eat more fruit and vegetables. The challenge is to eat the food items from the chart a total of ten times on separate occasions. Every time you eat a certain good food from the chart, you level up that food by ticking the number below the food character. Once you’ve ticked everything off one page, you can level up and go to the next page. By adding up all of your ticks, you’ll see what “foodie” level you currently rank at.
Available Now
All of the products mentioned in this blog post are available to shop now on our website. A limited range of our merchandise is also available to shop over on Etsy and eBay. Psst... if you want to save on shipping costs, we recommend stocking up on VEG 1 while you're ordering. And if you're concerned about the environmental impact of the packaging we use, all orders are shipped in plastic free packaging. The environment has been considered at every part of the customer journey.
The views expressed by our bloggers are not necessarily the views of The Vegan Society.