How We Influence Policy

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» How We Influence Policy

Your Campaigns, Policy and Research Vegan Society team works to bring us closer to a world where no animals are used or harmed by people. We engage with policy makers about laws, policies and practices – from schools to hospitals, farms to factories to restaurants, in workplaces and Parliaments – that need to change for a vegan-friendly world.

We give ethical, environmental, economic and other reasons, evidence and research to support good vegan-friendly meals on every menu; the transition to plant-based agriculture; the rights of non-humans and of vegans in law; and in every other area of life.

2021 Agriculture (Wales) Bill

We call upon the Welsh Government to take urgent, decisive and comprehensive action. Wales should proactively give land managers all the support which they need to transition toward healthy, sustainable, climate-resilient plant-based methods.

2021 Healthy Food Healthy Planet

We need to be transparent with people about how plant-based food systems can help us achieve all our sustainable diet goals. Relying upon farming of animals to meet nutritional needs of 8 billion people is not sustainable by any measure.

2019 England National Food Strategy

We support a new ‘field to fork’ Food Strategy for England. There are proven ways to radically improve every part of our food system. We challenge the Government to:

  • Ensure safe, healthy food for all, that is affordable for everyone;
  • Restore and enhance the natural environment for everyone, including free-living nonhuman beings;
  • Guarantee extensive support for people moving toward plant-based methods.

2019 Scotland Good Food Nation

The Good Food Nation (Scotland) legislation can achieve access to healthy, nutritious food, environmental sustainability and the avoidance of public health crises. A joined-up approach from government and public bodies is vital.

2019 Labour Party Sustainable Food Policy

People expect Government to lead on solutions, where our food system is causing problems. Now we have Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions targets, and as our eating patterns and attitudes change, the time for radical action on sustainable, healthy food is now.

2018 DEFRA England Health and Harmony: the future for food, farming and the environment in a Green Brexit

The UK as a whole needs to make new, broad, strong commitments to a transition toward a sustainable society, supplied by crop agriculture.

2018 Wales Brexit and our land: securing the future of Welsh farming

Wales needs a future for life and land that challenges current economic dogma, and truly integrates land use with our broader ambitions in the Wellbeing of Future Generations and Environment Acts.

2021 Wales Curriculum: Religion, values & ethics

Veganism must be in in every religion, values and ethics syllabus, and taught to every student. Veganism upholds bodily autonomy, self-determination and allied rights for all, in accordance with our shared social ethic that it is wrong to cause harm unnecessarily.

2021 Design & delivery of mandatory Religion, Values & Ethics 

Veganism opposes opinions such as holding non-human animals as property, and upholds rights to bodily autonomy and self-determination not limited by species.  This aligns with the widely held ethical belief, that it is wrong to cause harm unnecessarily. Since sustainable, nutritious plant-based vegan diets are well understood, farming animals for food is an unnecessary harm. For the protection of public health, morals, and non-human animals, veganism should be included in every RVE syllabus.  

2021 COVID Vaccination Certification

COVID-status certification proposals raises many ethical, legal, human rights and equalities issues. Any such practice must not infringe upon the rights of vegans (and others), and be a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.

2021 Mandatory vax frontline health / care  (England)

Veganism is a protected philosophical belief (the Equality Act 2010). Any system of COVID19 and influenza vaccination exemptions for health and social care workers based upon belief, must give vegans equivalent exemptions to those with other relevant beliefs, transparently, consistently and in line with the law.

2021 CAP and BCAP consultation on rules on harm and protected characteristics

The Vegan Society supports the adoption of these rules for advertising and promotions. The Advertising Standards Authority is not sufficiently considering the Public Sector Equality Duty around veganism as an a qualifying non-religious belief in law.

2020 Update to nutritional standards for school food in Northern Ireland

We need to collaborate with parents and guardians, children and young people, caterers, funders and where appropriate, registered dietitians, to ensure that suitable vegan-friendly options are available on all menus.

2020 Unequal impact: Coronavirus (Covid-19)

By focusing on humans, we can develop effective COVID19 treatments and vaccines free of non-human animal use, in line with protected beliefs including veganism. We must take seriously future potential fatal viruses too, many of which may be zoonotic and related to human agricultural activities.

2021 DEFRA Labelling for animal welfare

Our food systems need to be fully transparent, with mandatory labelling about how animals and environment are harmed e.g. Welfare denied; Sanctuary; or No animals were used.

2021 The Fur Market in Great Britain

We strongly object to the use of any animals within the fashion and textile industries. In July 2020, a YouGov poll revealed that 93% of respondents do not wear fur and 72% dsupported a complete ban on imports.

2021 Green Paper: Transforming public procurement

Well-managed plant-based solutions are vital for sustainable public procurement. This is in line with the shared ethic, that it is wrong to cause harm unnecessarily. 

2021 School Food Stakeholders Survey

Our school food system should be healthy, environmentally sustainable, and equitable. This will empower communities to practice their existing beliefs: that it is wrong to do harm unnecessarily, and that school food should feature healthy, tasty, sustainable plant-based meals every day.

2020 Public Sector procurement of food

Plant-based public procurement is one of the most significant ways that the Government can positively impact food systems and rural communities. In particular, farmers must be fully and fairly paid to ensure tasty, healthy, sustainable, affordable, ethical local vegan-friendly food in our schools, hospitals, prisons, local government offices and other institutions. 

Reg. Charity No: 279228 Company Reg. No: 01468880 Copyright © 1944 - 2025 The Vegan Society