We call on our elected representatives to empower everyone to benefit from sustainable, healthy, ethical plant-based and animal-free living

Download the manifesto
Please download the summary or full version of The Vegan Society's manifesto below.
Please use the form and guidance below to share our manifesto and key policy asks with your parliamentary representative.
When writing to members of parliament – whether that be Westminster’s MPs, Scotland’s MSPs, Wales’ MSs or Northern Ireland’s MLAs - it is important to make your correspondence as personalised as possible, so avoid copying and pasting from other sources. This prevents emails from being blocked as spam and means that your representative is more likely to receive and read your content.
We recommend using the following structure:
Start with a clear subject line that highlights the purpose of your email – for example, ‘Plant-based foods and diets in the government’s upcoming food strategy’.
Politely address your elected representative, introduce yourself as a resident of their constituency and explain what you want them to do. For example, if you are asking your elected representative to press the government to include plant-based food in the upcoming food strategy, include some key evidence that showcases how vegan diets can improve public health and our environment (see the following examples). Explain briefly why this issue is important to you. Perhaps you can mention here why you decided to become vegan and/or how following a vegan diet has benefited your health and wellbeing.
Plant-rich diets are key to improving public health through prevention because they reduce the risk of developing chronic conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes. This could save the NHS £6.7bn per year.
Plant-based diets could help the government to reach their sustainability targets because they produce half the amount of greenhouse gas emissions of animal-based foods and diets.
Having healthy and accessible plant-based options is essential for social inclusion because people choose to eat these foods for a multitude of different reasons, including dietary requirements or religious beliefs.
Thank your elected representative for taking the time to read your email and let them know that, should they wish to take action or learn more, The Vegan Society’s Policy and Public Affairs Manager can be contacted at [email protected].