The Vegan Society's Nutrition Network works to normalise vegan and plant-based diets across all public sectors

Andrea Rymer
Andrea Rymer is a UK registered Dietitian with experience in learning disabilities, weight management and food services. Andrea joined The Vegan Society in 2021 with a vision to normalise vegan living, making well-planned vegan diets accessible to all.
Emily Angus
Emily Angus is a UK Registered Dietitian with a background in renal dietetics and research. Emily joined The Vegan Society in 2024, using her research and clinical skills to provide people with up-to-date, evidence-based information on vegan diets.

The primary aim of The Vegan Society’s Nutrition Network is for:
“The guidance and support to maximise health on a vegan diet to be widely understood and available, and for veganism to be accepted as a healthy choice.”
This includes making reasonable adjustments and providing practical advice and guidance in clinical scenarios to support additional health needs for those following a vegan diet and lifestyle.
What is The Vegan Society’s Nutrition Network?
This network will consist of HCPC registered dietitians, AfN registered nutritionists and student dietitians on HCPC accredited courses, all working to normalise vegan and plant-based diets across all public sectors, whilst promoting vegan inclusive health messaging in inpatient, outpatient and public health settings.
Following the Equality Act 2010
Ethical veganism is a ‘protected characteristic’ for the purposes of the Equality Act 2010. It is unlawful to directly or indirectly discriminate against ethical vegans and the Public Sector Equality Duty requires all public sectors to routinely integrate inclusive thinking and equality into everything they do. Feedback we receive from members of the public suggests that many healthcare professionals are unaware of how this duty relates to veganism. As a result, the needs of vegans in healthcare settings are not met. Therefore, the Nutrition Network will work towards increasing public and professional understanding of ethical veganism as a protected characteristic.
Nutrition Network Objectives
- Increase evidence-based learning, knowledge and sharing of best practice surrounding nutrition and health on vegan and plant-based diets by sharing available evidence and resources.
- Provide a platform for quarterly virtual CPD sessions with the opportunity to deliver content from your own specialist area.
- Provide ad hoc support with anonymous queries and case studies relating to vegan/plant-based diets, health and nutrition.
- Provide a vegan perspective, where applicable, to calls for evidence/action for consultations in the area of health, nutrition and food policy.
- Support the promotion of vegan-inclusive health messaging in academia.
- Be proactive in avoiding and reporting discrimination including subjects of health inequalities for those following a vegan diet and lifestyle as far as possible and practicable.
- Support the provision of evidence-based dietary advice for people following vegan diets across healthcare settings in a variety of clinical nutrition areas.
Opportunities for Nutrition Network members
- Work alongside a group of like-minded health professionals and be a central part of promoting a cultural shift towards vegan-inclusive health messaging in teaching, learning and research.
- Lend your expertise to a well-respected vegan registered charity with a large social media following.
- Peer-to-peer learning via regular CPD sessions.
- Support for students to improve knowledge in the area of vegan health, nutrition, policy and rights.
- Enhance knowledge in food policy and media relations.
- Contribute to published output and resources.
- Share work/contributions via our social media channels.
How can I join The Vegan Society’s Nutrition Network:
If you are a HCPC registered dietitian, AfN registered nutritionist or a student dietitian on a HCPC accredited course, and would like to join our network, please contact [email protected] with proof of registration and preferred contact details. We can then add your details to our network and circulation list.