You can make a difference by joining The Vegan Society
Our members support us to continue our crucial work across the vegan movement. At The Vegan Society, your membership fee will help us to fund a full range of areas across our charity to spread the word of veganism.
We advise people on their vegan rights, conduct research, and run a variety of campaigns to encourage people to make the switch to a vegan lifestyle. We inspire people to follow a vegan lifestyle that does not cause animal suffering.
This is what our members helped us to achieve last year:
A copy of the transcript for this report is available here.
You can join today by completing our quick and simple online form. As a registered charity we rely on our members, and we are so grateful to everyone who supports us. For just £2 a month, your membership will go towards helping us to spread the word of veganism and create a world where animals are free to exist in their own right.