Grow Green report

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» Grow Green report

Tackling climate change through plant protein agriculture: download the report

For many decades, eliminating animal products from our diets has been centred on ending the use and abuse of non-human animals.  

However, it has now also become an issue of survival. Climate change is indiscriminately threatening the lives of non-human animals as well as humans, with the livestock sector continuing to be a massive contributor to environmental destruction.  

The global contribution of livestock farming to greenhouse gas emissions is agreed to be at least 14.5% - higher than all forms of transport combined. It’s no secret that we humans need to change our behaviour urgently. Luckily, we can do it in a way that will benefit everyone.

The UK climate provides the perfect conditions for growing plant protein for direct human consumption. Despite having successfully done this for centuries, the UK currently only assigns around 16% of agricultural land to the growing of protein crops – much of which goes towards feeding farm animals.

At a time when the pressure on natural resources such as land and water is higher than ever, this inefficient waste of resources is staggering. 

However, there is a positive alternative. By growing more protein crops as an alternative to farming animals, we will prevent the suffering of the millions within that industry, while reducing both greenhouse gases and the threat to global food security.   

We also hope to encourage a new generation of young farmers to have agricultural practices that are more aligned with the ecological challenges that we will all face in the next few decades.

Grow green protein, and end animal suffering and climate change. It makes sense, doesn't it?  You can help it make sense to our decision-makers by downloading our new Grow Green report, and sending it to your MP via the form below. You can check below the form for points you may wish to raise to with your MP.

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Our Grow Green campaign sparks the first transition from animal to plant agriculture. You can find out more here.

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