Important news about The Vegan Society’s 2019 AGM

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» Important news about The Vegan Society’s 2019 AGM

This year’s AGM will be at 1pm (with registration starting at 12.30pm) on Saturday 18th May at Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road, London N7 6PA.

Only full members (vegans) of The Vegan Society who have been a member for at least 1 year may stand for election to the Board of Trustees. Only full members of The Vegan Society may bring proposals to the AGM. You can find out more about joining The Vegan Society and have a say in its future direction here.

Election of Council Members

Applications for membership of the Board of Trustees (Council) are invited by the 1st of March. There will be at least 3 vacancies out of the 10 elected positions.

The Trustees are ultimately responsible for the future of The Vegan Society. They set policy, ensure that the Society’s objects are pursued effectively while complying with all relevant legal requirements and remaining true to its values. The role includes attending meetings, preparing and voting on governance proposals, reporting back to the Society’s members, and reviewing and adjusting the Society's strategic direction and policies. Further information can be found at and in the candidate pack.

Candidates should support the Society’s objects and mission and be committed to a vegan lifestyle. The most important qualities for Trustees are commitment, enthusiasm and the ability to communicate and work well with others and to consider issues thoughtfully. To ensure an effective and diverse board, members from a wide range of backgrounds and with a broad base of skills and experience are sought. Experience in successfully managing expanding organisations, developing strategic plans or knowledge of charity law or company law are particularly welcome. 

The time commitment is about nine days per year for attending face-to-face meetings and training events, plus about two hours a week for contact via email. The role is voluntary but reasonable expenses can be claimed.

Candidates must have been full members of the Society for at least a year by the date of the AGM, submit a written nomination signed by a proposer and seconder who are both full members, submit a personal profile and be willing to sign the Trustee Code of Conduct.

Members’ Proposals for the 2019 AGM

We welcome members’ proposals to the AGM. These should:

  • be proposed and seconded by full members;
  • not exceed 300 words, including any supporting material;
  • propose a single form of action (not be a composite proposal nor simply a statement of opinion).

For Special Resolutions proposing a change to the Articles (the constitution), the text of the changes is not counted in the 300 words. A 75% majority is needed for Special Resolutions to be passed and a simple majority of 50% is needed for other resolutions.

For a candidate pack or further information about becoming a Trustee or submitting a proposal, please contact the Chair of Council, Menna Jones, or the CEO, George Gill, by email or by post (Donald Watson House, 34-35 Ludgate Hill, Birmingham B3 1EH).

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