Vegan on the Go

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» Vegan on the Go

Have you ever wished that you could go into a high street supermarket or café and just pick up a ready-made vegan meal deal? Me too!

There’s no denying that options for vegans have got so much better, particularly over the last few years. It’s hard to believe that people who have been vegan for decades used to carry around their own little carton of soya milk wherever they went, just to be in with a chance of a decent cup of tea. 

We’ve made so much fantastic progress since then, but I think that while championing veganism we can sometimes lose sight of how much better it could still get. For a moment, imagine a world where every café and supermarket has well-labelled vegan options as standard. Imagine not having to plan in advance where you might pick up lunch when you’re in a hurry. Imagine leaving the house without a few just-in-case snacks squirrelled away in your bag. 

Person in coffee shop

Obviously, I don’t want to give the impression that veganism is difficult. After a couple of weeks of adjusting to your new lifestyle, it becomes so simple and straightforward. But it’s that initial transitionary period which turns many would-be vegans off making the plunge. And there are many vegans who live very busy lives who would benefit from a little bit of extra convenience in their lives.

We need to make veganism as easy and attainable as possible, in order to make as many people as we can come on board. And that’s what we want – as many people to go and stay vegan, as soon as possible, for the good of the animals and our environment.

When we polled our audience a couple of months ago, out of 2500 people, 91% said they regularly struggled to find vegan options when they were out and about. And if vegans struggle to find vegan options – despite the fact that we’re incredible detectives with all the know-how – what must that say for non-vegans, or vegan curious people? No wonder people are getting the impression veganism is hard to attain.

So this is where our new campaign comes in. Vegan on the Go has been created to bring attention to the growing demand for vegan options, and to highlight to businesses that this is a market trend which is here to stay, and that they are currently missing out by not catering for us.

Businesses listen to their customers. So we’ve set up a system whereby you can really easily send an email to a retailer of your choice, asking for more vegan options. We’ve even pre-written the emails for you! So click here to take part in the campaign – it will only take a couple of minutes of your time – and please encourage your friends and family to do the same! If you have the time, please do personalise the emails and explain why it is important to you to see more vegan options in shops.

For those of you who are interested in making your local independent cafes and restaurants more vegan-friendly, we have put together some resources to make this easier. You can order packs here.

Happy veganising!

by Elena Orde

Communications and Campaigns Officer

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