Ecotricity gas registered with our Vegan Trademark

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» Ecotricity gas registered with our Vegan Trademark

You may remember that over the summer Ecotricity hit headlines with their hard-hitting campaign warning consumers about the use of animal by-products to power our homes.

By registering their electricity with our Vegan Trademark, we were able to confirm that all of the electricity produced by Ecotricity is completely free from animals and their by-products, in direct contrast to other energy suppliers on the market. The registration highlighted the number of energy companies that do use animal by-products in the production of the electricity – which meant a large number of consumers were indirectly supporting factory farming and had no idea they were doing so.

We thought it was important to educate consumers about this practice. The huge amount of interest the story received on social media demonstrated that consumers were passionate about this issue, with the majority being completely unaware that this was the case and many pledging to switch to vegan energy.

Now, we’re pleased to announce that consumers can also vote with their wallets and switch to gas that is free from animal derived ingredients too.  Earlier this week it was announced that Ecotricity’s green gas had also been registered with our Vegan Trademark.


Ecotricity have a longstanding policy of refusing to buy energy from animal –related sources and have agreements in place with all of their green gas generators, ensuring that any food waste or organic matter that feed their anaerobic digestion sites are free from animal by-products. The feedstock of all the sites Ecotricity uses can be checked through the independent Official Information Portal on Anaerobic Digestion. This means we can be confident in Ecotricity’s adherence to vegan energy.

This registration is the latest in a long list of milestones that assert Ecotricity’s commitment to ethical and sustainable practices. The company proudly state that they are Britain’s greenest energy company. Founded in 1995, they were the first in the world to offer green electricity, and in 2010 they introduced green gas to Britain.

The organisation has also demonstrated they are dedicated to encouraging plant-based diets by regularly campaigning with vegan and animal rights organisations. In fact, this November we are celebrating our long-running partnership with Ecotricity as their Partner of the Month.

The Vegan Society’s Vegan Trademark acts as a signpost to those who do not want to fund non-vegan practices. This is an important development for consumers, who deserve to be armed with the full facts in order to be empowered to make such an important decision.

If you’re thinking about switching to Ecotricity, use this link and Ecotricity will donate up to £60 to The Vegan Society.

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