Take the Vegan Pledge

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» Take the Vegan Pledge

Go vegan in 30 days with the 30 Day Vegan Pledge

Everyone wants to feel healthier, lighter and more vibrant. Couple these fantastic benefits with the knowledge that you can also do your best for animals around the world, as well as reducing your effect on the environment. There is a simple action you can take that will have a positive effect not just on you but on many other lives. 

Sign up via email using the form below and for 30 days you’ll receive advice on all aspects of a vegan diet (including lots of healthy and easy recipes to try out), allowing you to really sink your teeth into the lifestyle. If you prefer, you can also download our free VeGuide app which provides daily videos and tips over 30 days to help you go vegan. VeGuide is available on Google Play Store and the App Store.

The Vegan Pledge helps over a thousand people each month go vegan and stay vegan with its regularly updated tips and support, and we're proud to have received an abundance of positive feedback from ex-Pledgers around the world. 

Let us know on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram that you're taking the Vegan Pledge.

Remember to add pledge[at]vegansociety[dot]com to your senders list, and check your junk mail if you do not receive an email in the next few hours. Read some common questions about the Vegan Pledge, below.

Sign up to the 30 day Vegan Pledge

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Common questions

Q: Do I need to be vegan to take the Pledge?

A: The pledge is intended for people who aren’t vegan but are curious about veganism; or those who may have attempted it before and wish to try again in a more determined manner. However, it is also useful for new vegans just learning the ropes, and we encourage anyone who needs the extra advice and support to take it. If you’re already a vegan why not head over to our 'Take action' pages to discover other ways to become involved.

Q: I ate cake that had dairy in it – do I have to start at the beginning again?

A: Not at all – sometimes even the most careful vegans get tripped up by something. We all do the best we can and by making a conscious decision to being vegan for a month you have shown that you are already thinking differently about your choices.

Q: I have a specific question – where can I get help? 

A: Our 'Resources' section is full of lifestyle information, nutrition advice, recipes and answers to frequently asked questions. Yet if you feel you have a question that only a human can answer, then you can contact us at info[at]vegansociety[dot]com or link up with others through channels like Facebook or Twitter where you'll discover many friendly people happy to help. 

We've been running the vegan pledge for many years. Over this time we've received countless emails from people saying that it was so much easier than they expected. A great deal of them say they wish they'd tried the lifestyle years ago, as they're so much happier, healthier and more content. For a lot of us, it's the best decision we ever make.

"Thank you for your support during my 30 day pledge. Seeing the emails every morning always reminded me to stay on track. The kids are now not arguing and debating my decision on a daily basis so it is easier. I do see my family changing by watching my example over the months to come." - Lynda Lambert, 01/12/15

Read more Pledge testimonials.

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