Plain sponge birthday cake

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» Plain sponge birthday cake

We all love a little bit of cake now and then...why not get older kids to help out with this recipe? Even little ones will have great fun mixing!


  • 125g margarine
  • 75-100g raw cane sugar
  • 250g self raising wholemeal flour, sieved
  • 3 tsp baking powder
  • 275ml vanilla soya dessert or custard
  • 1/4 tsp almond essence and/or vanilla essence
  • Pinch of sea salt
  • Soya milk


  1. Over a low heat dissolve margarine and sugar. Allow to cool.
  2. In separate bowl mix together dry ingredients. Add margarine mixture to dry ingredients and mix well. Add soya dessert or custard and essence. A soft dropping consistency is required, so add extra soya milk if necessary.
  3. Place in two square baking tins and bake at 180C, 350F or gas mark4 for 25-35 mins or until cooked.
  4. Remove from oven and cool a little before removing from tins. Remove from tins and cool completely on wire tray.
  5. Sandwich with jam or 'butter' icing made with vegan margarine and icing sugar (see recipe below). Cover with Regalice ready-to-roll icing, which is available in different colours. Place animal or cartoon character shapes on top.

This recipe can either be made as described, or used as a basis for creative birthday cake making e.g. bake in a round tin and decorate with coloured icing to make a clown's face. Vegan cakes can be as imaginative and exciting as any non-vegan counterpart!

If you are enjoying this recipe then why not try our delicious vanilla sponge cake, which only takes 30 minutes to bake!

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