Vegan Society AGM 2022

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» Vegan Society AGM 2022

The AGM of The Vegan Society will be held on Saturday 21 May 2022 from 1pm – 5pm. The Vegan Society’s Council has decided not to hold a hybrid AGM this year in order to protect members and staff from the continuing risk from Covid-19. This AGM will only be held online. 

However, members will still be able to vote both for candidates for election to Council and, by proxy vote, for the resolutions to the AGM online or by paper ballot, as usual. Voting information and the notice of the AGM will be sent to members by our election agents, UK Engage, in April. We have seen increasing engagement in recent years with online AGMs, and we hope that many members will be able to attend the online AGM. 

We ask members to accept our apologies for any disappointment this may cause.  These are difficult decisions for charities to make and the safety of members is important to the society. We look forward to welcoming many members to the online AGM on 21 May.

Election of Council members

Applications for membership of the governing Council (board of directors) of The Vegan Society are invited by Tuesday 1 March. The role is voluntary but reasonable expenses can be claimed. Successful candidates will join those automatically continuing on Council: Salim Akbar, David Gore, Mellissa Morgan, Jenifer Vinell and Stephen Walsh.

The most important qualities for trustees are commitment, enthusiasm and the ability to consider issues thoughtfully, communicate effectively and work well with others. To ensure effectiveness and diversity, members from a wide range of backgrounds and with a broad base of skills and experience are sought. Experience in conflict management, governance reviews, successfully managing expanding organisations, policy development, charity law and audit or risk management are particularly welcome.

Currently, the time commitment is monthly meetings usually lasting three hours. However, this may change if it's deemed sensible to return to office meetings which would be less frequent but longer. Training would be approximately 1.5 days per year. Emails may at times take a few hours per week, particularly in the approach to a Council meeting or AGM.

Candidates must have been full members of the society for at least a year and be aged 16 or over on the date of appointment. Candidates should support the society’s objectives and mission and be committed to a vegan lifestyle.

For a candidate pack or further information about becoming a trustee, please contact the Council Secretary Stephen Walsh, (council.secretary[at]vegansociety[dot]com(link sends e-mail)) by email or by post (Donald Watson House, 34–35 Ludgate Hill, Birmingham B3 1EH).

Reg. Charity No: 279228 Company Reg. No: 01468880 Copyright © 1944 - 2025 The Vegan Society