Supporting wildlife

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» Supporting wildlife

If you’re lucky enough to have a garden, make it your mission to cultivate a haven for wildlife.

Squirrel in a tree eating a nut

Scattering wildflower seeds is a cheap and easy way to support bees and butterflies, while leaving lawns several weeks between mowing also encourages greater insect life.

Creating a pond in a shady area – even a small one made from an old washing up bowl – will attract animals. Avoiding pesticides and weedkillers will help your garden to be a safe environment for any visitors. Cutting a small hole at the bottom of your fence will create a passageway hedgehogs and other small animals can travel through.

If you don’t have a garden, you can still cater for your local insect population by keeping a window box. You can make eco-friendly bird feeders from pinecones and peanut butter which will keep local bird populations fed in the winter. These can be hung up outside your window or in your local park.

An allotment is a fantastic way to reconnect with nature, especially if you don’t have a garden. Plots can be shared between friends and family members to keep costs low and to help with maintenance. Allotments are important spaces for wildlife as they link up different habitats and provide a wealth of different plant life. Not to mention that growing your own fruit and veg is immensely rewarding, and is always helpful for those who center their diets around plant-based food.

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