Just ten words away from a vegan agriculture bill

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» Just ten words away from a vegan agriculture bill

Today the Government will set out its vision for British agriculture post Brexit. We’ve known for some time that there will be some major changes to our farm subsidies system, and a move towards the concept of ‘public money for public goods’.

We know that The Vegan Society’s vision for a plant-based farming system is a radical one, and have no expectations that any Government of today would deliver that. However, surprisingly with a few tweaks here and there this morning’s press release is just ten words away from chiming with our views.

We’ve helped Mr Gove out below, by making some suggested changes.

Agriculture bill edited

We’ve questioned before the definition of a public good, and how farming animals cannot form part of that. We know that a move to plant-based farming will be better for our planet, our health and, of course, the animals. Clearly a public good cannot be environmentally damaging, unhealthy and cruel.

Our slightly tongue in cheek approach today shows the need to break the mould of current prejudices on what 'farming' means. At heart, we need DEFRA to have goals that are rooted in fairness, and radically just, otherwise we will never develop the farming system that the environment and all animals so desperately need.

We’ll be digesting the Bill in full over the coming weeks and more comment will follow.

by Louise Davies

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