Where can I buy VEG 1?

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» Where can I buy VEG 1?

So, you’ve found the perfect vegan multivitamin – affordable, reliable, chewable and plastic-free. It almost feels too good to be true, but rest assured, there are many different options for getting your hands on some. VEG 1 is available to buy in a few different places, as we want our product to be as accessible as possible. To help you out, we’ve put together this handy guide for where you can buy VEG 1.

VEG 1 banner

The Vegan Society’s webshop

You can buy all VEG 1 products direct from our webshop . You’ll see our ‘shop’ on the top right no matter where you are, or you can click on one of our VEG 1 banners across the site. We have plenty of great resources about the nutrients contained in VEG 1 such as vitamin B12vitamin D and iodine, so have a browse whilst you’re with us! If you’d prefer to speak to one of our dedicated staff members, why not give us a call to place your order? You can get through to our VEG 1 team on 0121 523 1730 and selecting option 3. 


Etsy is fabulous for many reasons. It’s quick, convenient, and easy to save products for later or review your past purchases. That’s why we made an Etsy store for our VEG 1 products. Just search ‘VEG 1’ or visit our store

VEG 1 from Etsy


Similar to Etsy, eBay is a convenient platform for making quick purchases, especially when you have an existing account and all of your card details are already saved (am I right?!). VEG 1 is available to buy in all flavours and sizes from our official eBay account.

VEG 1 from Ebay

Our stockists

We work with a network of wholesalers across the UK and Europe to bring VEG 1 right to your doorstep. If you’d prefer to hold the product before buying or would like to save on shipping costs by combining your shop with other items, our official retail partners have got you covered. A full list of locations can be found on our VEG 1 FAQ page under ‘Where can I buy VEG 1?’

Trade shows

We regularly attend trade shows and vegan consumer events such as Just V. Keep an eye on our social channels for details of events that we are planning to attend. We love to meet you and answer your questions about our products and the broader work we do as a vegan charity!

VEG 1 at tradeshow

Instagram - @theoriginalvegansociety and @vegantrademark
Facebook – The Vegan Society
Twitter – The Vegan Society and Vegan Trademark
Linked in – The Vegan Society and Vegan Trademark.

We hope this guide on where you can buy VEG 1 has been helpful. We’re always working on expanding our reach and network of available retailers. If you have anywhere in mind that you’d love for VEG 1 to be stocked, drop us an email at sales[at]vegansociety[dot]com with your suggestion, and we’ll see what we can do!

Interested in stocking VEG 1? Find out more about becoming a wholesaler.

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