10 reasons to join The Vegan Society

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» 10 reasons to join The Vegan Society

Supporter Services Officer Andy Davidson gives you ten reasons why you should join The Vegan Society in no particular order.

1. It’s membership month

There’s no better time to join The Vegan Society now, because it’s membership month! That's right: a whole month dedicated to our loyal members. There’s amazing announcements, three new rewards, two exciting competitions and a host of updates. 

We don't want to give everything away just yet, but hopefully these teasers will set your mind alight!

Teaser 1 – Our dietitian Heather, will announce this reward

Teaser 2 – A blast from the past

Teaser 3 – An audio treat.

So join now, so you don’t miss out.

2. We are the original

We’ve been campaigning for veganism since 1944 when our founders, Donald Watson, Elsie Shrigley and co, broke away from The Vegetarian Society and coined the word ‘vegan’. For over 70 years we’ve given a voice to animals and been outspoken on topics of health and wellbeing. Join us to:

  • Support individuals through our advocacy work
  • Campaign on the big issues
  • Support activists
  • Conduct important research
  • Promote veganism through the media
  • Lobby the government
  • Support businesses with the Vegan Trademark.

3. Your money is put into campaigns and outreach

Revenue from our Vegan Trademark and sales ensures that your membership fee is being used for the reasons you want:

  • Vegan outreach
  • Advocacy for vegans in need
  • Campaigns
  • Supporting activists
  • Media work
  • Bringing more vegan products to market
  • Providing valuable information services.

4. 120+ discounts saves you money

You can save a lot of money with a Vegan Society membership by using your discounts. There's discounts on clothing, cosmetics, food, holidays, household, restaurants and services, to name a few. Don't believe me? Have a quick look at my membership fee compared to a selection of discounts used in one month.


  • 10% off Holland and Barrett - £28.50 (save £2.50)
  • 10% off Veg 1 - £12.48 (save £1.24)
  • 20% Ethics and Antics - £40 (save £4)
  • 25% off Laura Zabo clothing £19 (save £1.90)
  • 10% off Big Green Smile household products - £22.34 (save £2.23)
  • 15% off Byron Bay nourishing skincare bundle - £67.26 (save £10.09)

Total saving = £21.98 in one month
Membership fee = £2/£3 a month

5. The Vegan

Our award winning magazine, The Vegan, is packed full of amazing recipes, news, features and much more. Every member of The Vegan Society has access to the magazine on a tablet, phone or computer. There’s also the option to have the printed edition sent directly to your home, to read and pass on to friends or libraries.

Members also have access the archive of The Vegan so can delve back to the very best bits.

6. We deal with the big issues

By joining as a member you will be supporting ambitious long term campaigns. We have a presence in parliament; we lobby businesses to stock vegan products; our Trademark ensures the choice of vegan products is expanding; we help farmers transition to crop farming while educating health professionals in vegan provision and much more.

7. Our work is our passion

Our staff of vegans are incredibly passionate about veganism and work tirelessly for the cause. We have staff who are involved in activism in their spare time, staff who donate their time at events and staff who will not stop working until animal farming is ended. Every day we walk into work motivated to help people go vegan and stay vegan.

8. Stay updated and join in

We'll keep you updated every month with our work, new rewards, competitions, blogs and much more. There's opportunity to get involved with our work, to write for us, to become a local contact or even get involved in activism yourself.

9. Drive our direction

Members can choose to have a say in our work. Whether this is getting involved in consultations, surveys, voting at our AGM or just talking to us on the phone or in person at events. We are driven by our members and value their opinions.

10. It's cheaper than your average bus ticket!

From just £2 a month, you can be a voice for animals by joining the voice for veganism, The Vegan Society. That's a small price to pay for real effective change. 

Don't wait any longer, join The Vegan Society today and help change the world.

By Andy Davidson

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Reg. Charity No: 279228 Company Reg. No: 01468880 Copyright © 1944 - 2025 The Vegan Society