
10 of the best vegan Christmas recipes

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» 10 of the best vegan Christmas recipes

Our top ten Christmas recipe picks.

I'm salivating just thinking about my Christmas meal and all the wonderful things we vegans will cook for it. From meringues to mince pies to mugs of 'egg'nog, we really have it all. If you're not a great cook then never fear: this blog gives some pointers on how to get by without cooking from scratch (as well as tips on how to enjoy the day with a non-vegan family) while this one demonstrates what store-bought treats are on offer.

But if you are a budding vegan chef, then read on for some great (yet relatively simple) new ideas to try out on the 25th... and beyond. May the forks be with you.

1) Creamy butternut squash soup

From mydarlingvegan.com

The last thing you want to do is to spoil your appetite for the main event. Full of seasonal vegetables, warming spice, and topped with decadent cashew cream. Get the recipe here.

2) Cranberry and pine nut stuffing

From onegreenplanet.org

Tis the season to stuff our lovely vegan faces. Get the recipe here.

3) Gravy

From jamieoliver.com

Even Jamie Oliver's getting on board the vegan gravy train. Make in advance to allow the flavours to intensify, and get the recipe here.

4) Maple glazed carrots

From lifecurrents.dw2.net

Providing a new hope to anyone who thinks carrots are icky, this glazing really makes it the best side ever. Get the recipe here.

5) Haggis and whisky sauce

From veganlass.com 

Traditionally served with neeps and tatties (turnips and potatoes to you non-Scots!) this vegan haggis is the perfect thing if you want to impress folk in the north of Britain. Get the recipe here, and check out Vegan Lass' new recipe book - New Traditions: Christmas recipes for a vegan future.

6) Chestnut pâté strudel

 Chestnut pate

From veganrecipeclub.org.uk

Praise be to ready-made puff pastry. Deceptively simple to make, this festive strudel will be a hit with vegans and non-vegans alike. Get the recipe here.

7) Christmas pudding ice cream

From Jane Hughes, author of Vegan: 100 everyday recipes.

That's no moon... it's a fabulous recipe for the more (holiday) seasoned chefs out there! The sprig of holly is, of course, essential. Get the recipe here.

8) Christmas trifle


From the lovely Sarah Cook, our Office Manager

Cake, custard, jelly, cream, nap by the fire. Yes please. Get the recipe here.

9) Lentil apple walnut loaf

From ohsheglows.com

Because including fruit in savoury recipes is the way to go. Get the recipe here.

10) Eggnog

From theroastedroot.net

As writer Julia Mueller says, 'We will never understand eggnog naysayers. We put our brave britches on, take a swig of nog and say, "no, nog nayslayer, I will not succumb to your non-nog naysaying ways." ' Get the recipe here.

By Elena Orde and Ali Ryland

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