I work as a research and development consultant to organisations in the UK and Canada. My research has mainly focused on understanding and treating childhood aggression and I have been part of developing programs and risk assessments to help professionals in their clinical their work with children and their families. I have also co-created assessments, interviews, and questionnaires used to help understand people’s characters, behaviours, and goals - both for research and practical purposes.
My degrees are in Psychology (BSc), Cognitive neuroscience (MSc), and Developmental Psychology (PhD), and I have mainly focused on quantitative methods including neuroimaging such as structural and functional MRI, physiological measures such as testing cortisol levels and skin conductance, neurocognitive assessments and interviews, questionnaires, and observations.
The part about research I enjoy most is figuring out what research should come next and designing the ideal study. I also very much enjoy turning research into practice and creating programs to affect positive change in people.