Rodolphe Blanchard-Kowal

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» Rodolphe Blanchard-Kowal
Rodolphe Blanchard-Kowal, Vegan Society Researcher Network
United Reformed Church (UK) / Protestant Institute of Theology (Paris, France)

I'm writing a PhD thesis in animal ethics entitled The emergence of animal theology, a dogmatic and ethical challenge. My thesis shows how animal theology is changing contemporary theology.

I’m studying the work of two leading British academics: Andrew Linzey and David Clough. These two authors are revising the whole corpus of Christian doctrine to enable Christians to consider non-human animals in theology. This theology is in dialogue with philosophical ethics, better known to the general public (Peter Singer, Tom Regan, Martha Nussbaum, etc.). Animal theology provides a theological ethics that has a specific voice in contemporary ethical debate.

The practical aspect of their work examines all the categories in which humans interact with, use or exploit non-human animals, including food and clothing, leading to a clear and explicit recommendation to adopt veganism.

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