Celebrating the 200th anniversary of Martin's Act

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» Celebrating the 200th anniversary of Martin's Act

RAC member, Dr Alex Lockwood, has directed an audio documentary to mark the bicentennial anniversary of the world’s first piece of parliamentary legislation for animal protection, the 1822 Cruel Treatment of Cattle Act.

With support from the excellent Radio and Podcasting department at Sunderland University, I am pleased to share the launch of our new audio documentary Martin’s Act @ 200.

This has been an exploration in how to share histories of advocacy through audio and other media, and we hope it will be of value to anyone interested in history, animals, legislation and social movements, or indeed dramatized podcasting/academic-led audio documentary. As an educational tool, it has been both fun to produce and insightful in how to communicate history via media platforms.

The first two episodes documenting the origins and passage of Martin’s Act are now live, with more to come. The Chart 2050 website is supported by the Culture and Animals Foundation, and was made possible through the generosity of those who have given their time for interviews (thank you to those who particpated). 

The project itself recognises the male, white, European roots of this piece of legislation, while maintaining a commitment to centre previously marginalized voices and explore the power of audio documentary as an educational tool that both celebrates advances in anti-cruelty but also challenges this social movement’s colonial patriarchal roots.

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