Donate to support The Vegan Society
The Vegan Society is dedicated to promoting veganism and supporting vegans – helping thousands of people to become vegan every year and working tirelessly to give veganism a stronger voice. Your donations enable us to support vegans in vulnerable situations, provide educational services, and act as a global voice for veganism through our vital campaigning and advocacy work.
Please support The Vegan Society with a one-off or regular donation so that we can continue our important work providing support for new and existing vegans, campaigning for change, and making compassion the future normal.
You can also join the society as a member. Please contact web[at]vegansociety[dot]com if you experience any issues with completing this form.
Contact our Fundraising Team
If you would like to get in contact with our Fundraising Team, or are interested in having a conversation about how you can be more involved in our work, please feel free to reach out by emailing fundraising[at]vegansociety[dot]com or call 0121 507 9987.
Head Office address for any postal enquiries:
Donald Watson House21 Hylton Street
B18 6HJ