Dr Caroline Gorden is a Reader in Criminology and Criminal Justice and co-director of Cyfiawnder: The Social Inclusion Research Unit at Wrexham Glyndwr University (UK). Caroline's research interests include factory farming in relation to animal abuse and climate change. To this end, she served as an expert witness in support of a legal case against the UK Government to ban the intensive farming practices that are widespread practice. Harm to non-human animals is an overlooked area in Criminology. Caroline is interested in helping to address this gap, most notably by exploring the criminology of factory farming and the dairy industry. In addition, Caroline has a broad range of interests in criminal justice issues. She is co-author of the book, Case Studies of Famous Trials and the Construction of Guilt and Innocence. Caroline has written two blogs for the Vegan Society:
A criminological exploration of the UK dairy industry: https://www.vegansociety.com/about-us/research/research-news/expert-series-9-criminological-exploration-uk-dairy-industry
Committing to living authentically means finding the courage to be disliked: https://www.vegansociety.com/get-involved/research/research-news/opinion-committing-living-authentically-means-finding-courage-be-disliked