emma_parrott's blog

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» emma_parrott's blog
plant based food alliance logo on t shirt

One particularly enjoyable part of being The Vegan Society’s Education Officer has to be the occasional invitation to witness great, vegan-inclusive practice within various parts of the education sector.

Graphic of products with the Vegan Trademark

Over the decades, the trademark has demonstrated its integral role in providing assurance to vegans the world over and highlighting the extent to which animals are commodified in everyday life.

meal prepped vegetable lunch in tupperware

"If you're not quite a pro in the meal prep department, not to worry, I’m going to show you the basics in a few easy steps."

vegan flags in Croatia

For this year's World Vegan Day, Animal Friends Croatia need support to make 101 vegan flags to hang across their capital, Zagreb, and surrounding cities to plant a seed of veganism as a compassionate, sustainable, and popular lifestyle.

Tomi Makanjuola headshot

Here’s a small handful of typical West African foods that everyone should get acquainted with. Keep the exploration going by following vegan creators, bloggers and chefs that hail from West African countries such as Nigeria, Senegal, Cameroon, Ghana, Sierra Leone, and more! 

New documentary SLAY examines the fashion industry’s use of animals. We speak to the film’s director, Rebecca Cappelli, about her inspiration for this film and what she hopes it will achieve.

Akil Goin next to a stream

Akil Goin, Trinidadian foodie, explores how to veganise traditional dishes from his food culture. 

Omari Mcqueen wearing a crown and holding a whisk

The 14-year-old superstar chef shares his desire to bring people together. 

Photo of Holly and their family

Kaya discusses being raised vegan from birth and explores topics such as favourite foods, friendships and changing attitudes. 

Aiysha Younas in a restaurant

Aiysha Younas explores the links between veganism and her religion. 


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